Showing 21-27 of 27 results

Cover Crops for Weed Management in Row Crops
The use of cover crops for weed control can help conventional producers combat herbicide-resistant weeds and organic producers reduce dependency on cultivation as their primary weed control mechanism.

High Tunnel Pest Exclusion System
Insect pests are one of the major problems in organic production systems. Organic IPM practice consists of a three-tiered approach consisting of systems-based practices, mechanical tactics, and biorational insecticides. Mechanical tactics encourage the use of physical barriers for pest exclusion. This bulletin provides preliminary research data and field observations about the success of shade cloths, or high tunnel pest exclusion (HTPE) systems, as a more permanent barrier system around the high tunnels.
Sustainable High Plains Research Bulletins
A series of bulletins showcasing the various facets of Texas Tech University research on integrated crop and livestock production systems in the Texas High Plains. The bulletins cover sustainable agroecosystems, crops and soils, and water conservation.

Agroecosystems Economics in the Texas High Plains: A 10-year analysis, 1999-2008
Based on 10 years of Texas Tech University research, integrated cotton-forage-beef cattle systems are just as profitable as cotton monoculture systems. But there’s more. Integrated crop-livestock systems use less irrigation water, are more energy efficient, preserve soils by reducing wind erosion, and have a lower economic risk related to specific-loss events, such as a drought.

High Tunnel Crop Production Handbook
A high tunnel crop production handbook from Alabama Cooperative Extension.

Sustainable Year-Round Forage Production and Grazing/Browsing Management in the Southern Region
An educational training video to increase the productivity, quality, and production of forages, as well as to improve management of existing pastures for sustainable livestock production.

Annual Cover Crops in Florida Vegetable Systems
Fact sheet series from the University of Florida IFAS Extension on integrating cover crops in vegetable production systems in Florida.