Manage a Grant

So you received a SARE grant. Congratulations! Being awarded a government grant opens a new door into funding research and education ideas for your farm, institution or community. Once you have been successful, the odds are excellent that you will continue to write competitive proposals for SARE or other public/private funding agencies.

With any grant, there are management, financial and reporting requirements attached to SARE grants, which we try to keep to a minimum. At first the language and regulations be can intimidating and confusing, but whatever you learn in doing SARE paperwork will help you manage future grants, no matter who funds them.

The following information provides details for SARE project investigators to manage their grants. If after reading them you still have unanswered questions, contact Denise Quick at [email protected]

General Requirements

Once your project is funded you need to be aware of SARE’s general requirements:

  • All SARE grants are paid as reimbursements.
  • We require annual reports each year by April 1 and a final report 45 days after the project ends.
  • We will reimburse up to 90 percent of the award and hold the remaining balance until we receive a final report.
  • All grant reports and any outreach components of the grant are managed through the SARE Grant Management System. The SARE Grant Management System is an online reporting system that allows SARE project leaders to submit reports and relevant resources and project products.
  • The outreach component of your project should acknowledge SARE support and use the SARE logo.
  • Photos, graphs, tables and other documents are encouraged as part of annual and final reports.
  • Where applicable, you should upload project products related to your research and educational activities to the SARE Grant Management System. These project products allow users to search for relevant sustainable agriculture topics.
  • Accompany a photo release form with project products that have been developed granting SARE rights and permissions to use the images, videos and/or figures in current and all future information projects. Uses may include (but are not limited to) the internet, news releases and print publications.

Terms and conditions that apply to Federal grants in general and supply the legal framework for SARE accounting and management guidelines.

NIFA Terms and Conditions

Code of Federal Regulations

OMB Circulars – OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-110, A-122