GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) program has announced the proposals selected for funding for the 2025 Producer Grants program.
The SSARE Administrative Council recently selected 14 projects totaling $269,728. The Producer Grants program enables farmers and ranchers to test a sustainable agriculture idea using a field trial, on-farm demonstration, marketing initiative, or other technique.
The projects awarded for FY2025 include:
FS25-377 Understanding the Oklahoma Honeybee Pest and Disease Landscape through Feral Colony Trapping, $20,000, John 3:16 Mission
FS25-378 Evaluating the Viability of Raising Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)Aquaponically in Freshwater, $19,904, PANGEA FARMS LLC
FS25-379 Comparing the Profitability of Five Winter Salad Greens Under Heated, Minimally Heated, and Unheated High Tunnel Conditions, $17,220, Crooked Porch Farm
FS25-380 Integrating Fermented Organic Solutions and Precision Agriculture for Enhanced Soil Health and Sustainable Cacao Production in Puerto Rico, $19,991, Finca La Providencia LLC
FS25-381 Extending Sustainability and Regenerative Ag into Traditional Grain and Cash Crop Production., $19,688, Z3 Agriculture LLC
FS25-382 Growing and Promoting Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roselle) as a Cash Crop for the Small-Scale Farmer in Alabama’s Black Belt, $20,000, Tuskegee Honey LLC
FS25-383 Enhancing Pecan Orchard Sustainability Through No-Till Perennial Peanut Establishment and Cattle Grazing Management, $19,620, Mark Brown Farms
FS25-384 Systems Approach to Building Whole Farm Health and Vibrant Agrarian Communities: Viability of Intercropping and Livestock Integration on Southwest VA, $20,000, Green Sprig Ag
FS25-385 Small Farms, Premium Products: Testing Medicinal Herb Value-Add Products and Cooperative Marketing Strategies in Georgia, $20,000, Sunbottle Farms LLC
FS25-386 Mycelium-Driven Soil Recovery: Sustainable Solutions for Post-Disaster Agriculture,$19,675, Black Trumpet Farm
FS25-387 Supporting African Crop Growers in Virginia: Cultivating Fresh Vegetables and Accessing Markets, $18,800, Esther Manor Farm
FS25-388 The Use Of Vetiver Grass For Stabilization and Remediation Of Farm Ponds., $19,980, Paradise Farm
FS25-389 Investigating the Impact of Biochar Application Rates in Southeastern Forests on Herbaceous Forage Quality and Silvopasture Habitat at Frolona Farm, $14,850, Frolona Farm
FS25-390 Evaluation of Bamboo as a Silica-rich Mulch for Apple Trees, $20,000, Kordick Family Farm
Producer Grants are one of six grant opportunities offered by Southern region SARE to support sustainable agriculture research, outreach and education. The Call for Proposals for Producer Grants usually opens in September.
Southern SARE is a USDA-funded program that provides funding opportunities for researchers, farmers, Cooperative Extension, NGOs, government agency personnel, and other ag professionals to conduct research in sustainable agriculture. Authorized in the 1985 Farm Bill, the mission of the SARE program is to promote sustainable agriculture practices throughout American agriculture that are profitable for the farmer, protect the environment, and promote community quality of life over the long term.
For more information on Southern SARE, visit
Published by the Southern Region of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. Funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Southern SARE operates under cooperative agreements with the University of Georgia, Fort Valley State University, and the Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture to offer competitive grants to advance sustainable agriculture in America's Southern region.
View Related SARE Grants:
- Understanding the Oklahoma Honeybee Pest and Disease Landscape through Feral Colony Trapping (FS25-377)
- Evaluating the Viability of Raising Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Aquaponically in Freshwater (FS25-378)
- Comparing the Profitability of Five Winter Salad Greens Under Heated, Minimally Heated, and Unheated High Tunnel Conditions (FS25-379)
- Integrating Fermented Organic Solutions and Precision Agriculture for Enhanced Soil Health and Sustainable Cacao Production in Puerto Rico (FS25-380)
- Extending Sustainability and Regenerative Ag into traditional Grain and Cash Crop production. (FS25-381)
- Growing and Promoting Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roselle) as a Cash Crop for the Small-Scale Farmer in Alabama’s Black Belt (FS25-382)
- Enhancing Pecan Orchard Sustainability Through No-Till Perennial Peanut Establishment and Cattle Grazing Management (FS25-383)
- Systems Approach to Building Whole Farm Health and Vibrant Agrarian Communities: Viability of Intercropping and Livestock Integration on Southwest VA (FS25-384)
- Small Farms, Premium Products: Testing Medicinal Herb Value-Add Products and Cooperative Marketing Strategies in Georgia (FS25-385)
- Mycelium-Driven Soil Recovery: Sustainable Solutions for Post-Disaster Agriculture (FS25-386)
- Supporting African Crop Growers in Virginia: Cultivating Fresh Vegetables and Accessing Markets (FS25-387)
- The Use Of Vetiver Grass For Stabilization and Remediation Of Farm Ponds. (FS25-388)
- Investigating the Impact of Biochar Application Rates in Southeastern Forests on Herbaceous Forage Quality and Silvopasture Habitat at Frolona Farm (FS25-389)
- Evaluation of Bamboo as a Silica-rich Mulch for Apple Trees (FS25-390)