Southern SARE Seeking Nominations to Fill Vacant Producer Seat on the Administrative Council

June 2, 2023

GRIFFIN, Georgia -- Interested in sustainable agriculture and looking to have an impact on sustainable agriculture practices in your community? The Southern SARE program gives producers the opportunity to serve on the Administrative Council and provide a “voice” for the direction of sustainability across the Southern region.

Southern SARE is seeking a producer to fill a vacant seat on the Administrative Council (AC). The term would begin in February 2024. Producers serve on the AC for a three-year term with opportunities for a second renewal term. Application deadline is July 7, 2023.

Southern SARE’s Administrative Council is the governing body for the SARE program in the Southern region. Made up of 23 members, the Administrative Council, or simply AC, guides the vision of the SARE program, setting goals related to sustainable agriculture, overseeing the review of grant Calls for Proposals, evaluating projects, and being ambassadors for the program.

While members from our partner agencies are appointed by the AC, Producer members are selected by the AC through an open nomination process. The AC votes to fill positions for 7 producers, 3 NGOs, 1 Quality of Life representative and 1 agribusiness member. Southern SARE invites producers to serve on the AC through this process.

Producer Members

Producer members are directly involved in setting the goals of the Southern SARE program. Producer nominations from all 13 states in the southern region, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands will be considered.

All AC members are members of standing committees, which may meet or communicate through conference calls to decide policy issues related to SSARE.  The Administrative Council depends on outstanding nominees that you and your colleagues from across the region may put forward.  We strongly encourage you to invest the effort required to advance good nominees. 

Duties of the AC include attending AC meetings twice a year in February and August, generally 3-4 days for each meeting, including travel. Producer members are compensated for the following: for travel, lodging and meal expenses to attend the meetings, in addition to a $300 per day honorarium, $300 twice a year for general AC support, $300 per year for each grant committee served to review grant proposals, and a stipend to attend Zoom meetings throughout the year when necessary. Learn more about our Regional Leadership.

Criteria for Administrative Council appointment include the following:

  • Run your own farm, regardless of size; alone or with family or partners.
  • Proven experience in sustainable agriculture;
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to help address sustainable agriculture needs and methods; and
  • Ability to work effectively as a member of a team dealing with contemporary issues facing agriculture.

Council membership will be balanced with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Learn more about Southern SARE at

Apply to nominate yourself or another farmer for the Producer Seat the Administrative Council.

For questions, contact Candace Pollock-Moore at [email protected]

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