On-Farm Grant Program Awards for FY2025 Announced

March 10, 2025

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) program has announced the proposals selected for funding for the 2025 On-Farm Grants program. 

The SSARE Administrative Council recently selected 10 projects totaling $297,089. The On-Farm Grants program provide opportunities for agriculture professionals working directly with farmers and ranchers on sustainable agriculture efforts.

The projects awarded for FY2025 include:

OS25-182 Oyster Domestication and Seed Production to Support the Industry on Florida's East Coast, $29,995, University of Florida

OS25-183 Evaluating Edamame as a New Crop for South Florida: On-Farm Trials to Support Adoption and Sustainability, $29,995, University of Florida, Tropical Research and Education Center

OS25-184 Novel Soil Moisture Sensing and Irrigation Management Robot for Sustainable Strawberry Farming, $29,973, Middle Tennessee State University

OS25-185 Statewide Survey of Leptopilina japonica, a Previously Unreported Parasitoid of the Invasive Spotted Wing Drosophila in Alabama, $29,964, Alabama A & M University

OS25-186 Nutritional Hi-A Corn Tortillas and Chips for Healthy Living and Sustainable Agriculture, $30,000, Texas A&M AgriLife Research

OS25-187 Creating Sustainable Construction Opportunities Using Virginia Wool, $29,475, Virginia Tech

OS25-188 Sustainable pepper weevil management by integration of kaolin clay and oviposition deterring pheromone, $29,500, University of Florida

OS25-189 Impact of Farming Practices and the Diversity and Richness of Bee Populations on Selected Crop in Arkansas Agricultural Farms, $29,080, University of Arkansas Pine Bluff

OS25-190 Reducing early season cucumber beetle pressure with a semiochemical augmented trap-out approach, $29,206, Virginia Tech

OS25-191 Pole Beans as a Sustainable Alternative to Enhance Farm Productivity and Soil Health, $29,901, Penn State University

On-Farm Grants are one of six grant opportunities offered by Southern region SARE to support sustainable agriculture research, outreach and education. The Call for Proposals for On-Farm Grants usually opens in September.


Southern SARE is a USDA-funded program that provides funding opportunities for researchers, farmers, Cooperative Extension, NGOs, government agency personnel, and other ag professionals to conduct research in sustainable agriculture. Authorized in the 1985 Farm Bill, the mission of the SARE program is to promote sustainable agriculture practices throughout American agriculture that are profitable for the farmer, protect the environment, and promote community quality of life over the long term.

For more information on Southern SARE, visit http://www.southern.sare.org.

Published by the Southern Region of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. Funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Southern SARE operates under cooperative agreements with the University of GeorgiaFort Valley State University, and the Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture to offer competitive grants to advance sustainable agriculture in America's Southern region.

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