SARE Funded Projects

Southern SARE offers grant opportunities to individuals and institutions in the Southern region. Below is a list of presently funded SARE projects in Arkansas. To find a complete list of reports on previously funded projects in Arkansas, search the Project Database. Reading through some of the project reports can help you understand the types of projects SARE funds before you submit a grant yourself.

Research and Education Grants

LS22-363 Grazing with the Fun Guy (Fungi) -- Small Ruminant Worm Control

Education Grants

EDS23-055 Innovative Urban Ag Conference

EDS23-052 Cultivating Sustainable K-12 Agricultural Sciences Pathways through CommUniversity Partnerships

EDS23-051 Humane Handling Educational Resources for Farmers, Ranchers and Small Processors

Professional Development Program Grants

SPDP22-08 Sustainable Practices for Strawberry Production: Field Demonstration and Virtual Training Program for the Southeast

Graduate Student Grants

GS21-250 Utility of Native Floral Plantings Between Tree Rows for Conservation and Management of Wild Bees and Other Beneficial Insects in Tree Fruit Orchards

On-Farm Research Grants

OS23-170 Fish in the Fields: Increasing sustainability of existing rice farming practices with supplemental aquaculture

Producer Grants

FS23-346 Effects of Vermicast Extract and Cover Cropping on the Soil Food Web and Crop Health as Compared to Beds Treated with Conventionally Applied Compost