www.sare.org resources a-whole-farm-approach-to-managing-pests A Whole Farm Approach to Managing Pests This 16-page bulletin helps producers—and the educators who work with them—use ecological principles to design farm-wide approaches to control pests. It lays out basic ecological principles for managing pests and suggests...
www.sare.org resources integrated-pest-management-for-varroa-destructor-in-the-northeastern-united-states-using-drone-brood-removal-and-formic-acid Integrated Pest Management for Varroa Destructor in the Northeastern United States using Drone Brood Removal and Formic Acid This bulletin focuses on the management of the parasitic honey bee mite Varroa destructor (V. destructor) in the northeastern U.S. It contains information that will allow a beekeeper to: 1) identify V....
www.sare.org resources manage-insects-on-your-farm Manage Insects on Your Farm While every farming system is unique, the principles of ecological pest management apply universally. Manage Insects on Your Farm highlights ecological strategies that improve your farm’s natural defenses and encourage beneficial insects...
www.sare.org resources greenhouse-ipm-with-an-emphasis-on-biocontrols Greenhouse IPM with an Emphasis on Biocontrols This manual was designed by the Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management Program to help greenhouse growers implement biological control and integrated pest management (IPM). It begins with an introduction to IPM...
northeast.sare.org resources organic-parasite-control Organic parasite control Signs of parasites, prevention, National Organic Program standards, and more. You will need Adobe Presenter to view. ...
northeast.sare.org resources backpack-sprayers-for-small-scale-farms Backpack Sprayers for Small-Scale Farms Modified backpack sprayers offer simple design, inexpensive pricing, professional nozzle technology, accuracy, and easy, safe filling and cleaning. This makes them an efficient, ideal choice for small, organic, or urban...
southern.sare.org resources organic-control-of-white-mold-in-high-tunnels Organic Control of White Mold in High Tunnels The fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infects many of the cool-season crops produced in Kentucky. This SARE-funded video presents information on the high tunnel production system most commonly used in Kentucky; the...
southern.sare.org resources sweetpotato-production-for-kentucky Sweetpotato Production for Kentucky This 16-page guidebook, produced by the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, covers all aspects of sweetpotato production in Kentucky. Topics include variety selection, production techniques, insect...
southern.sare.org resources cucumber-anthracnose-in-florida Cucumber Anthracnose in Florida A fact sheet developed by University of Florida on the symptoms, causal organism, disease cycle and management of cucumber anthracnose. The publication was developed from the results of a SSARE-funded...
southern.sare.org resources trap-cropping-in-vegetable-production-one-approach-to-managing-pests Trap Cropping in Vegetable Production: One Approach to Managing Pests Trap cropping is a technique that uses plants attractive to insect pests to lure them away from the cash crop. Trap cropping, while not a silver bullet solution to all...
southern.sare.org resources establishing-cottonwood-plantations Establishing Cottonwood Plantations University of Arkansas researchers studied the feasibility of developing economically viable agroforest systems for producing cellulosic bioenergy crops that will also enhance water quality and provide wildlife habitat on low...
southern.sare.org resources organic-horticulture-training-for-the-southeast Organic Horticulture Training for the Southeast Universities of Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina and South Carolina have partnered to develop a website to help train and educate Cooperative Extension System personnel and other agricultural professionals on the...
southern.sare.org resources no-till-cropping-systems-in-oklahoma No-Till Cropping Systems in Oklahoma A three-year study in Oklahoma and Texas revealed that no-till wheat is a viable option for Southern Great Plains’ farmers and ranchers.The purpose of the project was to move wheat...